Terms & Conditions


The terms and conditions below apply to all coaching, mentoring, educational courses, and related services provided by Be Data Lit LLC (“the Provider”), to any individual or organization (“the Client”), and constitute the contract for the services to be provided by Be Data Lit for the Client. The term 'services' as used here covers career coaching, consulting, educational courses, and any other related activities provided for clients, coaches, or others.

1. The Services

1.1 Provision of Services: Under the terms and conditions of this Agreement, the Provider agrees to deliver the Services, which may include webinars, audio and/or visual presentations, and periodic personal coaching sessions, educational courses, and evaluations in exchange for the Service Fees.

1.2 Service Fees: By accepting the terms and conditions of this Agreement, the Client agrees to remit payment for the Services as follows:

1.3 Nature of Services: The Client acknowledges that the Services are not substitutes for counseling, psychotherapy, or any medical or health care intervention. The Provider is not a licensed medical professional. Participation involves inherent risks, including emotional distress. The Provider makes no guarantees regarding the outcomes of the Services.

1.4 Confidentiality: The Client shall not disclose or use any part of the Services for teaching third parties or for any public or commercial purpose without prior written consent.

1.5 Intellectual Property: All materials provided during the Services, including but not limited to audio and visual presentations, are the exclusive intellectual property of the Provider.

2. Term & Termination

2.1 Term: This Agreement is effective upon the Client's acceptance and continues until all Services have been provided.

2.2 Termination: The Provider may terminate this Agreement at any time with written notice to the Client. Certain provisions as outlined will survive the termination of this Agreement.

3. Indemnification & Limitation of Liability

The Client agrees to indemnify the Provider against any losses incurred through claims by third parties arising from the Client's breach of this Agreement. The Provider's liability for any damages is limited to the fees paid by the Client.

4. Governing Law

This Agreement shall be governed by the laws of [Enter State], and any disputes will be resolved in the courts of South Carolina. Both parties agree to exclusive jurisdiction in these courts.

5. Miscellaneous

5.1 Amendments: This Agreement can only be modified in writing signed by both parties. 5.2 Entire Agreement: This document constitutes the entire agreement between the parties and supersedes any prior understandings or agreements.

These revised terms and conditions expand the scope from merely coaching to include educational courses and other related services, reflecting a broader range of services provided by Be Data Lit LLC. This ensures both parties are aware of the nature and extent of the agreement, enhancing clarity and compliance.